adama pelion villa & guesthouse

adama pelion villa & guesthouse

Alexandros Leventis

adama pelion villa & guesthouse

22 November 2019

adama pelion villa & guesthouse

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Milopotamos Beach, a picturesque beach, with crystal clear waters drowned in the green. It has sand, pebbles and smaller stones and is a true oasis for the lucky ones to enjoy their dives there.

adama pelion villa & guesthouse


Milopotamos attracts hundreds of visitors every year, some of whom are fanatics. Its waters look like mirrors and the beach is informally divided into two smaller beaches with a natural stone arch while accessing from one section to another.


Visitors think that they are truly in an exotic place, you could say in the jewel of Pelion. Its beauty is so famous that it has won blue flags and has been photographed by many international magazines, making it one of the most famous beaches in Greece.

adama pelion villa & guesthouse
adama pelion villa & guesthouse

The “double” beach of Milopotamos is 58 kilometers from Volos and only 7 kilometers from Tsagkarada, so in addition to the fanatical tourists, there are frequent residents. Access to the beach is easy by going down some steps but if you are visiting the area during high season, then you should expect to face many people who choose the beach for swimming. If you choose the area for your vacation, it is worth visiting Tsagkarada, the tourist village of eastern Pelion. There is also a bus to Milopotamos beach. Throughout the area you will also find picturesque places and unique landscapes of unparalleled beauty.

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